Email Marketing Resources

Email vendor selection
Whether you’re reviewing email marketing software or evaluating your current email service provider, at the email vendor selection site you’ll find everything you need to know about selection and review of email marketing tools.

Check out their lists of

MediaPost Email Insider
MediaPost is the destination for advertising and marketing professionals. They are also the organisers of Email Insiders Summit.

Email Design Blog by BEE
Lots of design and email newsletter tips, free templates and tactics, best practices, etc by the company that gave you BEE (the drag and drop email designer).

Email Monday
Email marketing consultant Jordie van Rijn, helping companies getting the most out of their digital efforts. He has worked for several A-list and smaller brands and runs an insightful email marketing strategy blog over at email monday.

There’s more to email marketing than high click through rates. Litmus covers the more technical aspects of email marketing and delves into the email marketing nuances. That’s probably because they’re an email testing and analytics company. It’ll also keep you up to date on trends like mobile usage, design and optimization.

The ultimate Marketing automation guide
Step by step walk through of all things Marketing automation, while not even breaking a sweat. That is this Q and A style site about Marketing automation on the web.

Email Marketing Tools:
Email ROI Calculator
Bulletproof Buttons