There are many different ways to spell “ecommerce.” Which is the right way? The answer is… it depends. Ecommerce has been around for many years, and the spelling has changed over time.
In this article, we will explore the history of ecommerce spelling and discuss the different variations in use. We’ll also answer how to spell it the right way.
Different spellings for ecommerce
The term ‘ecommerce’ has been around since the ’90s when digital commerce took off. It’s an abbreviation for electronic commerce. The word’s popularity comes from its use as a descriptor for the growing trend of online shopping. As more consumers turned to the internet to shop, and businesses sought to cater to both consumers and customers (repeat or business buyers), the term ‘ecommerce’ became widely adopted to describe their online presence.
Over time, different spellings of the word have emerged. For businesses, the choice of spelling often comes down to personal preference or branding strategy.
A quick Google search shows some of the most common ways to spell ecommerce:
- Ecommerce
- E-commerce
- eCommerce
- e-commerce
- e-Commerce
- ECommerce
- e commerce
These are just 7 versions, but you’ll find many more once you start digging.
Why do so many spellings exist?
While the exact origins of the word are unclear, it came into use in the early 1990s. When businesses started using the internet for transactions.
Since it’s an internet native term, people have created many variations. Some versions include hyphenations. Others capitalize either C or E. At first, there was no standard spelling for “ecommerce,” and people used whatever version they preferred. Over time, the two most popular spellings emerged as “e-commerce” and “eCommerce.”
Another reason for non-standardized spelling is clear when you compare the word’s history with email.
Email started out as “electronic mail” in the 1970s and took on variations like “e-mail,” and “email.” In 2011, the Associated Press standardized the word’s spelling as “email.”

This decision was based on many factors, including that “email” is the spelling used most often in dictionaries. And that it’s the preferred spelling of most major style guides. This led to a single spelling for “email”.
Using similar logic, you’d think AP would’ve chosen ecommerce over e-commerce. But they say:
“AP uses hyphenated e- for generic terms such as e-commerce and e-strategies. One exception is email (no hyphen, which reflects use). For company names, use their preference: eBay.”
While AP chose to hyphenate the word, many brands and major companies have dropped it. This mixed-use is another reason why we have so many spellings for ecommerce.
The abbreviation (from eCommerce to eCom)
eCom is a short way of writing ecommerce. This abbreviation is common in informal contexts, social media, and email marketing. It saves space and adds a casual tone. While the full term is used widely, its shorthand is common in online retail and digital commerce.
Dictionary definitions
We saw how AP spells ecommerce, let’s look at some other popular dictionaries’ approaches.

Merriam-Webster, like AP Stylebook, also adds a hyphen after e to spell ecommerce. According to Merriam-Webster, the correct spelling is “e-commerce,” with a hyphen. This matches the dictionary’s trend to hyphenate terms with the prefix “e-,” like “e-business.”
Oxford Dictionary

Oxford Dictionary chooses to hyphenate ecommerce. Like Merriam-Webster, Oxford Dictionary lists “e-commerce” with the same phonetic spelling and pronunciation.

Britannica uses the same ecommerce spelling as the other established dictionaries, adding a hyphen between e and commerce.
Collins Dictionary

Just like the others, Collins also spells it ‘e-commerce’.
Major dictionaries add a hyphen after e when spelling ecommerce. Does that mean it’s the correct spelling? Use this version in academic papers or formal documents. But it’s not the definitive definition. We’ll discuss that in the last section.
How do people spell Ecommerce according to Google?
Our look into ecommerce’s spelling won’t be complete without diving into how people use the word. We analyzed the word’s popularity and frequency over time using Google Trends and Google Ngram.
We used the 7 spelling variants to get some insights.

The Ngram results show that “e-commerce” is the most popular spelling, especially since the early 2000s. Its usage has skyrocketed over time, peaking in recent years. The capitalized version, “E-commerce,” comes in second, but with much less growth. The variants “eCommerce” and “Ecommerce” (without a hyphen) are less common. Other versions, like “ECommerce” or “e commerce,” barely register. “e-commerce” is the clear winner. Most people and publications have standardized the term.
When looking at Google trends results, we compared ecommerce with e-commerce as the results aren’t case sensitive.

Google Trends shows that ‘ecommerce’ surpassed ‘e-commerce’ in popularity around 2008 and has been the popular way to search for the word. This also corroborates the declining popularity of ‘e-commerce’ in print media since 2003. In a few years, we might see ecommerce as the dominant spelling for the word in all media.
For more interesting stats about ecommerce, check out our collection of ecommerce statistics.
What is the correct Ecommerce spelling?
So, considering dictionary definitions, internet use, and branding styles, what’s the correct way to spell ecommerce?
The answer is that while “e-commerce” and “ecommerce” are both technically correct, the preferred spelling can vary depending on the context.
In general, “e-commerce” refers to the larger industry or concept, while “ecommerce” is used when referencing online transactions or businesses. For example, an article about the history of ecommerce might use the spelling “e-commerce,” while an online store would be more likely to use ecommerce in their transactional emails.
The choice of spelling is up to the individual author or organization. It’s important to be consistent throughout a piece of writing. Using two different spellings for the same concept can confuse readers and make your work seem less credible.
Still, you should focus on growing your ecommerce business and settle spelling debates quickly with internal rules. For example, improve your shopping experience and get more return customers with great order confirmation emails or an ecommerce chatbot.
Just getting started with ecommerce? Check out this list of the best ecommerce platforms to start your shop.